Success Stories

“I reviewed my positive statement at the end of the year. I am reminded how much has manifested since I completed my Personal Power Affirmation. I am in a loving relationship. We have purchased a home together. I am no longer working full time which has given me much freedom to pursue the things I want to do. I am still blown away by how much of this has come true. I highly recommend working with Chris.”

Sonja Kaleski
“This course is a great blend of spirituality, science, and practical experience. At its heart is the law of attraction…. Chris has enriched our experience of the law of attraction by bringing self-hypnosis into the mix. This practice allows us to create affirmations at a very deep level and manifest our desires much more easily. He gives us effective tools that we can use in our daily lives…..”

Emma Jayne
“I finished the course and oh my goodness has my life changed! My dream was to be a motivational speaker. Since completing the course I have recently started my own business as a motivational speaker… I’m also working on my first book…. My happiness level is through the roof since doing your course. Thank you so much. “

Susan Bock
“Having been involved in the personal development industry for 10+ years, I can say that Chris’ course is by far the most comprehensive of all the courses I’ve reviewed. The depth of his knowledge and expertise is matched by his passion for helping people expand their thinking, earning capacity, and zest for life. If you want to change your limiting beliefs to create your ideal life I highly recommend this course.”

Milena Morrow
Author of Sipping Champagne Through a Straw
“What was most valuable that came out of my coaching sessions was being reminded of the power I hold within. I would recommend this coaching process to anyone who is ready to embrace the law of attraction and wanting to create the life of their dreams. Chris is calm, non-judgmental, informative and always ready to offer solutions and tools to help shift any negative feelings (regardless of the circumstances) that us hold people back from creating whatever we desire.”

Liz Threlfo
The most valuable thing I’ve experienced from Chris’s coaching is a self awareness and learning to listen to my thoughts and feelings. It has been a 10 out of 10 experience for me as I have learnt a lot about myself and what I can do to make my life a happy and fulfilling life. I would recommend Chris as a great coach to my family and friends as a way to get to know what your dreams are and to be coached through the process of achieving those dreams.”
“Chris, thank you for creating this course and sharing it with us! There are so many hyped up LOA courses charging in the tunes of $1000’s which probably doesn’t deliver a fraction of what you teach in this course. I am looking forward to applying what you teach in my daily life and open to receiving the delicious goodies the universe has in store for me!”
“Excellent course with the best exercise I have ever done to clarify my personal power affirmation. I am using Chris’s guided audio which for me has been like a very deep meditation. The instructor is very kind and thoughtful. He responds to questions almost immediately. Highly recommended.”
“Finally – a REAL Map to Master the Law of Attraction”
“Since i have been doing your course and the guided meditations I feel a much happier person. My friends commented, that my eyes are shining and I seem like I am in love. I am constantly smiling, and feel fearless and totally positive and at ease with myself. Thank you very much Chris”
“Thank you Chris for creating this course. I love your voice, the length of each lecture, and all the things I’ve learned so far…… I just did my first Self Hypnosis following your audio recording and I loved it!”
“I found this process to be relaxing yet awakening its positive effects are changing my perception and putting me in control. Hooray! Having never attended anything like this I was pleasantly surprised at how easy I found the process with the logical and soul-searching questions which were particularly revealing. I now have a new awareness about myself and absorbing lots of information to help me deal with problem areas in my life. I have control, it’s good to get in touch with myself again.”
“I personally feel that what you gave me is a very powerful, basically simple way of creating positive change in my life. Chris you guided me with a genuine care and love without judgement. I was impressed with your ability to follow one direction and focus my attention on the fundamental process.”
“Chris has a special way of not only understanding the words coming out of my mouth, but he raised my awareness of the words and thoughts I use everyday. He has a remarkable knowledgeable of the Law of Attraction, and expertly showed me how I can easily incorporate this Universal law to greatly enhance my life and those around me. It was a privilege having Chris on my side. Many thanks!!”