The Top 3 Mindset Secrets That Will Help You Manifest Everything You Desire

Part #5 Number 1 Mindset Secret

Number One Mindset Secret

Focusing On What You Don’t Want Rather Than Focusing On What You Want

Quite simply we are focusing more on what we don’t want rather than what we do want.

The law of attraction draws to you the essence of whatever you are predominantly thinking about and focusing your attention on. So if you are mostly thinking about what you want, you get what you want and if you are mostly thinking about what you don’t want, you get more of that. There is only a stream of well-being flowing, you can either allow it or resist it but it flows just the same. The law of attraction is based in scientific fact. Quantum physics states that consciousness actively plays a part in how physical reality is perceived, modern psychology and the latest brain research has shown that how we think creates what we perceive and therefore our reality.

Some people think that the law of attraction is only working when they get what they want, they don’t realise that it is always working, always responding to the majority of the vibration you are expressing. A lot of people get stuck in the asking mode, where they are constantly asking for what they want because they don’t have it. But what they are inadvertently doing is offering a vibration of lack of what they want, so all they get is more of the lack. They then think that the law of attraction doesn’t work for them.

The number one mistake people make when using the law of attraction is focusing more on what is happening now, rather than focusing on what they want. When we think we are focusing on what we want, we are often focusing on what we don’t want. For example: wanting to be pain free when you have pain.  Rather than focusing on wanting the pain to go away – focus instead on feeling vital and energetic. Think about it; see if this is true for you. You may be offering some thought around what you want but the majority of your vibration is on the lack of what you want.

Don’t you want to stop reacting to your conditions and start creating your reality the way that you want it to be? Then, and only then will you be completely free from reacting to what is, and you will be truly free to create the life that you choose.

Often we get impatient or don’t believe the Law of Attraction works and complain to the universe that it is not bringing us what we want. It is not about hard work but about offering a consistent vibration of what we want.

We also think that doing an affirmation or a visualisation every now and then is enough. Well if 10% of your vibration/energy is focused on what you want you will start attracting this to you. But if the remaining 90% of your vibration/energy is focused on what you don’t have or what you have and don’t want, then that is what you are attracting.

The law of attraction works 100% of the time, it has nothing to do with the universe not giving you what you want because you are not good enough or don’t deserve it. The universe is simply bringing you the situations, people and experiences, based on the majority of the vibration you are offering. So if you can increase your vibration to 50% positive- feel good emotions around what you do want, then you have reached the tipping point and your inner being will start to show you more of what you want. It will then become even easier to align your vibration with what you want. Then the physical manifestation of what you want must show up it is LAW.

Written Exercise:

Click on the image below to download the Word document or PDF of  Worksheet #4 – Focusing on What You Want and answer the questions as fully as you can in the spaces provided.If you don’t have word print the PDF file so you can fill it in.

To download a file…
1. Right click on the image(to right click on a mac, hold down the “Control” key whlie you click the link).
2. Select “Save link as”, “Download linked file as”, or “Save Target as”, depending on your web browser.

Word Doc:-           Worksheet #4 – Focusing on What You Want


PDF:-                       Worksheet #4 – Focusing on What You Want



In the next email, the last of the E course, I will explain why words don’t teach only life experience does.

For now, thanks for your time and I’ll talk to you in the next message which will arrive tomorrow. So watch out for it.


I suggest that you work through each part at least daily, take as much time as you need, but if you would like to see the rest of the course here are the links.

Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: My Dreams, Goals and Desires
Part 3: Number Three Mindset Secret
Part 4: Number Two Mindset Secret
Part 5: Number One Mindset Secret
Part 6: Words Don’t Teach Only Your Life Experience Does

Until then be the best you can be.

Love and Appreciation


International Bestselling Author
Law of Attraction Online Course Instructor for;
Law of Attraction & Self Hypnosis: Changing Limiting Beliefs


